The Potter's House of Fort Worth

Project Info

  • Client: The Potter’s House of Fort Worth
  • Completion Date: January 2023

Areas of Focus

The Potter’s House of Fort Worth recently received a complete overhaul of its Lighting System from Digital Resources Inc. The church struggled to maintain an even lighting focus with their conventional fixtures due to the discontinuation of lamps and physical limitations in the worship space.


The Potter’s House of Fort Worth chose to work with Digital Resources for a complete redesign utilizing VariLite VL800 EVENTWASH fixtures and sACN Lighting Network protocol.  The design also included a partnership with Cark Reder & Adaptive Technologies Group to provide structural approval for upgrading and adding hang positions with professional rigging equipment from The Light Source.


System installation completed in less than 1 week

One of the things that Digital Resources did for us was actually providing us the opportunity to demo multiple manufacturers fixtures on location here. It allowed us to see and compare one fixture to the other and see what was going to be best and most flexible for the needs we have here on our campus. The VariLite fixtures – they just knocked it out of the park. It was obvious and instant.”

Cedric Spencer

I.T. Manager